Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Development in Cloning

Chimera Kids...

From what the article says the process can create a child with three parents, the skin cells used can be from anyone, have they tried more then one skin cell, why not more parents, each skin cell in its embryonic state would act as more genetic code or would it be like planting more than one seed but only one would have the chance of taking root.
And is there a species wall, would not the skin cell of another relative close to a mouse be accepted by the embryo, or would it act like foreign matter killing the entire egg.
If there are already 2 parents with healthy genes, and a third is introduced that is not as healthy (ie short guy, balding) which genes are made recessive or dominant.

These are questions I want answers to, because It is my wish to have a child part human, part dolphin

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